Digital Health That Actually Works

Free Virtual Primary Care

No Premiums. No Networks. No Co-Pays. No Bullshit.

We're currently in pre-launch, but you can click below to join our waitlist and we'll onboard you as soon as we're able.

For Patients

Get Care

Share your data with researchers and stay engaged with our AI clinical assistant or our communities and be rewarded with free access to primary care telehealth consultations

Control Your Data

Most companies say they respect privacy, but sell your data at the first chance. When you choose Actually Health, we actually ensure your data only goes where you want it to go and not a step further.

Earn Money

When you choose to securely share your fully anonymized data with our research partners, we make sure you see a portion of the revenue your data generates as dividends or compounding savings to cover future health expenses.

Share the Love

Experienced and educated patients are an incredible resource and repository of knowledge. Based on your health data we connect you with communities of similar patients to learn from and teach. And we reward you for it!

For Partners

Partner with Patients

Work with patients, not just their data. Get real time insights, hear real patient voices, and solve real patient problems.

Dig Deeper

Our platform scalably and prospectively curates high quality RWE. We pair this data with omics and claims to create un-rivaled health insights.

Think Forward

Existing RWE solutions are siloed, slow, and low quality. Our platform is the first of its kind, built to iteratively streamline data collection and normalization so we (and our data) are constantly improving

Build Faster

No complex IRBs, DPAs or BAAs. Get one-click access to rich, standardized, longitudinal health data in a matter of seconds so you can start building the future of health with us. Drop us an email to get started.

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